Our platform Hallòw is a platform where…
Data from smart tools is translated into in-depth insights, information for product development converges and data of product performance can be read remotely to provide efficient service.
You already understand us. Our goal with Hallòw® is to improve the well-being of both client and caregiver and increase the quality of care.
An endless connection
of knowledge
Who we are
Everyone is involved in care and well-being in their own way. As an independent guide and director, Hallòw connects all questions, needs and initiatives of client, caregiver, care manager and insurer. Together we get a grip on a pleasant life and affordable care. Hallòw offers valuable insights for affordable and accessible care and well-being. With this we help knowledge institutions and producers develop and improve new technologies and innovations in care.
Hallòw watches over our well-being and the quality of our care. We make the work of home care and informal caregivers lighter, leaving more attention for the client. This is how we improve well-being and quality of life for clients and caregivers alike.
To continue innovating the watchful eye within healthcare and make our smart products accessible to everyone, we chose our own platform. A platform that calls it out: Hallòw®.
The increasing need for care puts care under constant pressure. Good care is close to our hearts. Care and welfare must remain accessible and affordable for everyone.
It remains a challenge to use our platform Hallòw® to connect all questions, needs, knowledge and experience, with the caregiver, the care manager, the producer, the insurer and the government. We do it all with only one goal: to improve care. For greater protection. For you. For me.
With our digital data and knowledge platform, we enable flexible and effective care, even at a distance. For the client, this more appropriate care can contribute to increasing the quality of life. We can also use our platform to organize care smarter and thus make it more efficient. Together with healthcare providers, we enable customized care, stimulate innovation and create insight. A win-win situation. That’s what we love.
We keep making healthcare smarter, with smart products like one of our Bossy® products, for example. By improving appropriate care in its accessibility and continuing to strive for affordable care, we are taking an efficient turn with Hallòw®. Exchanging information between healthcare providers and healthcare producers not only improves our own products, but also provides the opportunity to connect any other smart product.
The healthcare market is being flooded by an aging population. To keep good care accessible and affordable, we need smart products. Hallòw® helps develop new technologies, as our digital platform provides insight and support for the development of new product concepts for additional services.
More efficient. Affordable. Reachable.
In addition to the Bossy® SmartMattress, we are working hard on the Bossy® Smartbed. With the Bossy® SmartMattress, we connect the client with the caregiver. Integrated sensors signal the presence and absence and duration of a lying position. Bed edge detection makes it clear when a client is about to leave the bed. All alarms are naturally set within the standards required for care.
With the Bossy® Smartbed, there are other requirements. This innovative bed has a weight trend, can indicate whether the siderails are open or closed, the brake on or off and displays the position of the bed. In addition, the Bossy® Smartbed automatically adjusts to the individually adjustable height required by the caregiver as soon as they start providing care at the bed. That’s smart!
Study the data
to support care
The platform Hallòw® is an independent platform to which products from various manufacturers can be linked, for example a smartbed and a smartmattress. The technology in this is infinite. If we keep working together with a group of people who look at the same problem from different perspectives, we come up with truly unique and innovative solutions. And precisely in that bringing together lies our strength: Hallòw®.
Hallòw platform
Connect Foam Care B.V.
Willem Alexanderstraat 5, 6691 EE Gendt, The Netherlands
KVK 68245327 | BTW NL857358984B01
+31 (0)85 04 04 846